Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas Day!

Christmas morning started out early for me and Jeremy.  We woke up before the boys so we could make sure everything was ready for them and I could get breakfast in the oven.  Bennett was up shortly after us so we had breakfast with him and waited for Walker to get up.  Walker slept an hour later, so poor Bennett just stared at his gifts under the tree until Walker was fed and ready to go.

We started with gifts from Santa and slowly opened up gifts.  Bennett wanted to play with every gift as he opened them so we had to keep reminding him there were more gifts under the tree.

Coming down to see if Santa came

Checking to see if Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk

Sweet boy on his first Christmas!

Bennett opening up Walker's gift for him

Seeing what is in his stocking

Buzz Lightyear from Santa!!!!

My happy boy just hanging out

Playing with his new bowling set

Racing his new remote control car

After we opened gifts we just let Bennett play with all of his new toys.  He kept going back and forth between different toys, but Buzz Lightyear and his remote control car seem to be his favorite.  He was really tired from missing a nap the day before and waking up early, so by 11 he was already worn out.  We ate lunch then got him down for a nap.  After he got up we headed over to Pop Pop's house for round 2 of Christmas!

Another family picture!  

Pop Pop and Walker

Me and my handsome hubby :)

Bennett with one of his new trucks

Opening more gifts

Love this girl!  She knows how to pose for the camera!

Lou Lou and Walker

Ryan and Bennett playing

The boys helping Pop Pop fix the train that was around the tree


Ryan adores Walker

Walker adores pulling hair :) Ryan loves Walker so much that he didn't mind

Playing with Ryan's toys

The three of them stood at the counter and ate so much popcorn!  

After we opened gifts we ate dinner and again ate way too much food!  We had to head home soon after we ate.  It was getting late and Walker had enough and was ready for bed! 

We had a wonderful Christmas this year and are so incredibly blessed!  I am so thankful we can spend time with both of our families.  This Christmas was even more special since it was Walker's first.

We have already taken down all of our decorations for the year and cleaned.  It makes me feel so much better to get that done as soon as possible.  The boys got so many new toys so we had to spend a couple of days organizing their playroom.  Now we are just gearing up for New Years and enjoying our time together as a family.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a fun and busy day!  We started out the day baking some cookies just for Santa.  I figured it was best to get them made first thing in the morning since we had a long day ahead.

Putting Santa's cookies out to bake

After we all got ready we headed up to Jeremy's parents to spend the day with them.  We had a wonderful day with everyone.  Walker slept the majority of the time we were there.  He had been sick a few days before Christmas Eve so he was still feeling the effects from that and slept for hours!  We just let Bennett open his gifts for him since Walker has no idea what is going on anyway.  Both boys got so spoiled!!

Papa Daddy and Walker

Bennett opening gifts

Checking out his new car

Carder hugging her stocking

More cars!!!!

Our family!

Jeremy and Walker

Josh, Tamara, and Carder

Hanging out while Bennett played

Gigi with the kids

We left there to head home and get ready for Santa!  We got Walker to bed and then got everything ready with Bennett.  He was so excited to set out the cookies and put reindeer food outside.  We were laughing at Bennett when he put out the reindeer food.  As soon as we stepped outside he dumped almost all of it on our door mat.  Next year I will wait until we are out in the yard to give him the bag. I love that he gets it this year!  It makes it a lot more fun for Jeremy and I to see him get so excited.

Picking out what cookies he wanted Santa to have

Pouring out the reindeer food on our front door mat

He took a few more steps to pour out the rest

Telling me how Santa was going to get there

Really excited!!!!!

Bennett headed off to bed after we got everything done.  We told him Santa was waiting for him to go to sleep so he could come to our house.  He had no nap that day so he was ready for bed and Santa!  It was a great Christmas Eve!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Walker is 5 months!

My sweet baby is 5 months old!  He is changing so much lately and growing so fast!  He weighs about 18 pounds, wears 6-9 and 6-12 months clothes, and is in size 3 diapers.  He can roll over from his tummy to his back but we haven't seen it ourselves yet.  We just keep finding him in his crib on his back.  He loves to sleep on his tummy so when he flips over he wakes himself up and gets upset.  He is also working on his 2 bottom teeth.  Bennett didn't get his first teeth until he was 8 months old so I wasn't expecting this so soon.  Luckily it hasn't interrupted his sleep and only seems to bother him every now and then.  They have been working their way through slowly and all I can see are the bumps in his gums.  I know the first teeth can take some time to come in, but hopefully for Walker's sake they come in fast and don't cause him too much trouble.  He is still a great sleeper and sleeps at night for 12-13 hours and takes 2 naps a day.  Most evenings he still needs a little cat nap to make it to bedtime.

5 months old!!

Sweet boy

I just love his precious face!

Bennett and Walker playing together

Bennett is becoming much more interested in playing with Walker.  I guess Walker is more fun to him now since he is more interactive.  Walker laughs at Bennett and jabbers non stop!  I have a feeling Walker is going to be more of my social butterfly.  He never stops "talking" and is so loud!  I can't wait to see his personality come out more.  Love my sweet Walker Bear to pieces!  

Bennett's Christmas Party

Yesterday Bennett's class had their Christmas Party.  They had pizza for lunch then all the kids were able to decorate a cookie.  His teachers had them make the sweetest gifts for us.  We got 2 ornaments and my favorite is one with Bennett's hand print.  I just love Bennett's teachers they are so sweet and great with all of the kids.  I am very thankful he is in their class this year!

Eating lunch with his friends

Decorating cookies!!

Tomorrow is his last day of school for the year!  I can't believe Christmas is just days away!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Christmas Cookies!

Bennett and I spent the day yesterday baking cookies for Christmas.  It turned out to be a rainy and gloomy day so it was a great way to pass the time since we were stuck inside.  I am not much of a baker.  I love to cook, but baking is a whole different thing.  Everything has to be exact and it always makes a huge mess, or maybe I am the reason there is a huge mess in the kitchen.  Either way it isn't all that easy of a task for me but it was fun doing this with Bennett.

Before his nap we made the sugar cookie dough.  While he slept I let the dough chill in the fridge until it was time to cut out our cookies.  Bennett was excited when he woke up to start making the cookies.  We cut out all different shapes and baked 5 batches.  If you want a cookie stop by our house because we have a ton!!!!

Waiting to cut out cookies

He was waiting in front of the oven for the cookies to bake

My sweet Walker just hanging out, I can't wait till he can help us next year

After our cookies were out of the oven and cooled, we frosted and decorated them with sprinkles.  This was the most fun part for Bennett.  He got a little crazy with the sprinkles and some cookies were covered in a huge heep of sprinkles so we had to fix a few along the way.  

Decorating the cookies

Sprinkle overload!

Having so much fun!

Sneaking a taste of the frosting

Enjoying a cookie after all of his hard work

It was a fun way to spend the day with my boy.  In the midst of all of the horrible news from Connecticut I am feeling even more blessed and want to take advantage of any opportunity to make memories with my babies.  I am so grateful I was able to spend quality time with my boys and enjoy our time together.  This will definitely become a tradition we will keep up every year.